
I coach individuals and teams to foster professional growth by enabling them to navigate uncertainty and adopt practices that drive value creation.

12-week Discovery Program

The Discovery Program empowers teams and leaders to de-risk their business ideas and test assumptions.

The Discovery Program is a practical, evidence-based solution for designing business models, shaping customer-centric value propositions, and testing ideas in the real world. Whether launching a new venture or innovating within an organisation, it equips you with the tools, coaching, and methodology to ensure your ideas succeed.

12-week Coaching and Mentoring Program

The Coaching and Mentoring Program helps product leaders who want to fill individual skills gaps to increase their unique commercial capabilities.

The Coaching and Mentoring Program is designed to help you bridge individual skill gaps, enhance your product leadership capabilities, and make a measurable impact within your organization.

Are you looking for a customised solution to improve your organisational capabilities?

Every coaching service can be tailored to your organisation’s needs to maximise impact.

Let’s talk.

Whether you are looking for more information or you are ready to start a project, I am here to help.

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Andreas Edler - Strategy and Innovation Coach
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